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University of Glasgow


Университет Глазго — второй по старшинству (после университета Сент Эндрюс) и крупнейший университет в Шотландии.


Стоимость обучения:

Бакалавриат - 14 500  – 18 200 фунтов в год
Магистратура – 14 500 – 18 200 фунтов в год

Компьютерные науки, IT

•    Computing Science
•    Digital Media and Information Studies
•    Electronic and Software Engineering
•    Mobile Software Engineering
•    Neuroinformatics (Computing and Psychology)
•    Software Engineering

•    Bioinformatics, Polyomics and Systems Biology
•    Computer Forensics and E-Discovery
•    Computer Systems Engineering
•    Computing Science
•    Embedded Electronic System
•    Information Security
•    Information Technology
•    Mobile Design and Engineering
•    Search Engine Technologies
•    Software Development
•    Software Engineering
•    Computer Forensics and E-Discovery
•    Information Management and Forensic
•    Information Management and Preservation (Digital)

Право, политика, международные отношения

•    Law
•    Politics
•    Public Policy


•    Contemporary Law
•    Corporate and Financial Law
•    Global Security
•    Intellectual Property and the Digital Economy
•    International Commercial Law
•    International Competition Law and Policy
•    International Law
•    Medical Law
•    Socio-Legal Studies
•    Criminology
•    Criminology and Criminal Justice
•    Equality and Human Rights
•    Transnational Crime, Justice and Security

Бизнес, менеджмент, экономика, маркетинг

•    Accountancy and Finance
•    Accountancy and Mathematics
•    Accounting and Statistics
•    Business and Management
•    Business Economics
•    Finance and Mathematics
•    Finance and Statistics
•    Economics
•    Economic and Social History

•    Aerospace Engineering and Management
•    Asset Pricing and Investment
•    Banking and Financial Services
•    Civil Engineering and Management
•    Corporate Governance and Accountability
•    Development Studies
•    Economic and Financial Sector Policies
•    Economic Development
•    Economics, Banking and Finance
•    Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Management
•    Environment and Sustainable Development
•    Finance and Management
•    Finance and Management
•    Financial Economics
•    Financial Forecasting and Investment
•    Financial Modeling
•    Financial Risk Management
•    Geomatics and Management
•    International Accounting and Financial Management
•    International Banking and Finance
•    International Business  and Entrepreneurship
•    International Development
•    International Financial Analysis
•    International Trade and Finance
•    Management
•    Management with Human Resources
•    MBA
•    Quantitative Management    
•    Advanced Statistics
•    Banking and Financial Services
•    Biostatistics
•    Environmental Statistic
•    Financial Modeling
•    Global Economy

Гуманитарные и соц. науки, психология, лингвистика

•    Sociology
•    Psychology
•    Philosophy
•    Theology and Religious Studies
•    Scottish Literature
•    Russia
•     Italian
•    History
•    Scottish History
•    Hispanic Studies
•    Spanish
•    Germany
•    Geography
•    French
•    English Literature
•    English Language
•    Childhood Practice
•    Community Development
•    Education with Teaching Qualification
•    Religious and Philosophical Education
•    Comparative Literature
•    Classic (Classical Civilization)
•    Greek
•    Latin
•    Central and East European Studies
•    Celtic Civilization
•    Celtic Studies
•    Gaelic
•    Museum Studies

•    Composition
•    Historically Informed Performance Practice
•    Musicology
•    Popular Music
•    Sonic Arts
•    Religion, Education and Culture
•    Sociology
•    Sociology and Research Methods
•    Medieval and Renaissance Studies
•    European Studies: Cultures, Societies and Languages
•    Russian for Social Scientists
•    Russian Language
•    Translation Studies: Translation and Professional Practice
•    Brain Imaging
•    Brain Sciences: from Molecules to Mind
•    Clinical Neuropsychology
•    Psychological Studies
•    Chinese Studies
•    European Politics
•    Global Security
•    Human Rights and International Politics
•    International Relations
•    Political Communication
•     Philosophy
•    American Studies
•    Early Modern History
•    History
•    Medieval History
•    Modern History
•    Scottish History
•    War Studies
•    Creative Writing
•    Maternities: Literature, Theory and Culture
•    Victorian Literature
•    Applied Linguistics and English Language
•     Academic Practice
•    Adult and Continuing Education
•    Advanced Community Development
•    Doctorate in Education
•    Drugs and Alcohol Studies
•    Educational Studies
•    Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
•    Learning and Teaching of Modern Languages in Primary School
•    Organizational Leadership
•    Professional Leaning and Enquiry
•    Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages
•    Young People, Social Inclusion and Change
•    Russian, Central and East European Studies
•    Archeological Studies
•    Battlefield and Conflict Archaeology
•    Celtic and Viking Archaeology
•     Landscape: Integrated Research and Practice
•    Material Culture and Artifact Studies

Дизайн, мода, искусство, архитектура

•    History of Art
•    History of Art and Art-World Practice
•    Film and Television studies
•    Theatre studies
•    Electronics with Music
•    Music

•    Art History: Art: Politics: Transgression: 20th century Avant-Gardes
•    Art History: Dress and Textile Histories
•    Art History: History of Collecting and Collections
•    Art History: International Art Nouveau
•    Art, Style and Design
•    Arts of China
•    Arts of Europe
•    Medieval and Renaissance Studies 
•    Modern and Contemporary Art
•    Museum Studies
•    Technical Art History: Making and Meaning
•    Textile Conservation
•    Composition
•    Historically Informed Performance Practice
•    Musicology
•    Popular Music
•    Sonic Arts

Естественные науки, медицина, спорт, питание

•    Veterinary Biosciences
•    Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
•    Astronomy
•    Chemical Physics
•    Physics/Theoretical Physics
•    Physics with Astrophysics
•    Nursing
•    Biomedical Engineering
•    Dentistry
•    Immunology
•    Medicine
•    Physiology, Sport Science and Nutrition
•    Virology
•    Parasitology

•    Veterinary Public Health
•    Astrophysics
•    Physics: Advanced Materials
•    Physics: Energy and the Environment
•    Physics: Global Security
•    Physics: Life Science
•    Physics: Nuclear Technology
•    Sustainable Energy
•    Theoretical Physics
•    Advanced Practice in Health Care
•    Biotechnology
•    Crop Biotechnology
•    Plant Science
•    Child Health
•    Clinical Nutrition
•    Clinical Science with Specialization
•    Diabetes
•    Evidence Based Medicine and Education
•    Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics
•     Forensic Toxicology
•    Health-Professions Education
•    Healthcare Chaplaincy
•    Human Nutrition
•    Medical Genetics
•    Medical Physics
•    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
•    Orthodontics
•    Primary Dental Care
•    Sports Nutrition
•    Surgical Oncology
•    Translational Medical Sciences
•    Bioinformatics, Polyomics and Systems Biology
•    Biomedical Science
•    Exercise Science
•    Human Visualization and Human Anatomy
•     Infection and Immunobiology
•    Aquatic System Science
•     Coastal System Management
•    Freshwater System Science
•    Geoinformation Technology and Cartography
•    Geomatics and Management
•    Geospatial and Mapping Science
•    Human Geography: Space, Politics and Power
•    Landscape Monitoring and Mapping
•    Marine System Science
•    Chemistry
•    Chemistry with Medical Chemistry
•    Applied Neuropsychology
•    Cardiovascular Sciences
•    Clinical Pharmacology
•    Sport and Exercise Science and Medicine
•    Stratified Medicine and Pharmacological Innovation
•    Translational Medicine
•    Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law
•    Ecology and Environmental Biology
•    Evolutionary Biology and Systematics
•    Quantitative Methods in Biodiversity, Conservation and Epidemiology


Журналистика, ПИАР, Медиа

•    Film and Television Studies
•    Theatre Studies
•    Digital Media and Information Studies

•    Film and Television Studies
•    Film Journalism
•    Media Management
•    Playwriting and Dramaturgy
•    Theatre History
•    Theatre Practice
•    Theatre Studies

Инженерия, производство, окружающая среда

•    Aeronautical Engineering
•    Aerospace Systems
•    Biomedical Engineering
•    Civil Engineering
•    Civil Engineering with Architecture
•    Electronics and Software Engineering
•    Electronic Science and Technology China
•    Mechanical Design Engineering
•    Mechanical Engineering
•    Mechatronics
•    Mobile Software Engineering
•    Product Design Engineering 

•    City and Regional Planning
•    City Planning and Real Estate Development
•    City planning and Regeneration
•    Global Cities
•    Global Health
•    Housing Studies
•    International Planning Studies
•    International Real Estate
•    Public and Urban Policy
•    Public Policy Research
•    Real Estate
•    Spatial Planning
•    Urban Research
•    Aeronautical Engineering
•    Aerospace Systems
•    Civil Engineering and Management
•    Computer System Engineering
•    Electronics and Electrical Engineering
•    Electronics Design
•    Embedded Electronic Systems
•    Mechanical Engineering
•    Mechatronics
•    Nanoscience  and Nanotechnology
•    Product Design Engineering
•    Software Engineering
•    Structural Engineering and Mechanics
•    Sustainable Energy
•    Telecommunication Electronics

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  • С нами удобно

    наши офисы находятся в десятках городов России, Армении и Казахстана.

  • Комплексные решения

    Подбор программы, зачисление, получение визы, подготовка и сдача IELTS, бронирование проживания и перелетов.

  • Нашей компании 30 лет!

    Тысячи студентов прошли через заботливые руки наших специалистов.

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